Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Imperfect Subjunctivo

Clauses with como si (as if)

Clauses of this type are used to express conrary-to-fact ideas.

Present tense &  como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: El habla tan bien commo si fuera hispanohablante.
(He speaks as well as if he were a native Spanish speaker.)

Past tense & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: Se reia como si no tuviera preocupaciones
(He laughed as if he had no worries.)

Future tense & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: Me sentire como si estuviera en casa.
(I will feel as if i were at home)

Imperative & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example:Corrijale como si usted fuera su padre.
(Correct him as if you were his father.)

Te ves feliz como si no tuvieras problemas.
(You look happy, as if you had no problems.) 

Los hombres piensan como si fueran ninos.
(Men think as if they were children.)

Conjunctions wiht Imperfect Subjunctive

The Imperfect Subjunctive is used with various conjunctions and conjunctive phrases to express past actions.

Conjunction & Imperfect  Subjunctive ----possible past actions

Insisto para que el jefe le dieran el empleo
(He insisted so that the boss would gave him the job.

El delegado trabajo fuerte para que se firmara la paz.
(The delegate worked hard in order for peace to be signed.)

Llame un taxi con el fin de wue me llavara pronto al aeropuerto.
(I called a taxi so that it would take me to the airport quickly.)

Me iria de aqui antes de que el jefe me despidiera.
(I would leave her befor my boss fired me.

Todos celebrariamos en cuanto  terminara el juego.
(We would all celebrate as soon as the game ended.)

The Conjunction si (if)

The conjunction Si & Imperfect Subjunctive is used to express regret about actions which did not occur.

Regret about actions which did not occur.
Event:yo no viajo porque no tengo dinero.
(I don't travel because i don't have money.)

Si & Imperfect Subjunctive & Conditional
Si yo tuviera dinero, yo viajaria por Espana.
(If i had money, I would travel trough Spain.)

Si & Imperfect Subjunctive & Imperfect Subjunctive
Yo viajara mas si yo tuviese mas dinero.
(I would travel mor if i had more money)

Si & Imperfect Subjuncitve & Imperative
Si usted tuviera usted dinero, no dude en viajar.
If you have more money, make sure you travel.

Si no lloviera, saldriamos de paseo.
(If it weren't raining we would go out for a walk.)

Si llegaras tarde, Disculpate!
(If you ever arrive late, apologise!)

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