Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Imperfect Subjunctive

Uses in sentences of one clause

1.In expressions of wishing to indicate actions that are very unlikely.
Generally used in exclamation marks.

¡Que pudiera tener unas vacanciones en la playa! (I wish I could have a vacation on the beach!)

¡Como quisiera estar lejos de aqui! (How I would like to be far from here!)

2.To express wishes that are impossible to fulfill.

¡Que tuviera 18 años! (How I wish I were 18!)

¡Que no hubiera delincuencia!( How I wish there were no delinquency.)

3. In repetitive expressions:
Obtained by repeating a verb in the Imperfect Subjunctive.

Dijera lo que el dijera, ella lo creeria.(Whatever he said, she would believe it.)

Viniera o no viniera a la fiesta, igual lo pasariamos bien.(Whether he comes to the party or not, we will have fun all the same.)

4.After ojala.(if only)

Ojala & Imperfect Subjunctive: hope/wish about an action, that is unlikely to happen

¡Ojala no tuvieramos problemas!(If only we didn't have any problems!)
¡Ojala mi jefe fuera mas amable!(If only my boss were nicer!)

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