Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Imperfect Subjunctive

Impersonal Clauses

An impersonal clause expresses a character of functionality of an action.It is constucted with verb ser or paracer conjugated in the 3rd person singular of the Past Indicative plus a suitable adjective.


ser/parecer & adjective & que & imperfect subjunctive

Fue importante que tuvieras cuidado.
(It was important that you should be careful.)

Parecia dificil que pudieras comprar un vuelo hoy.
(I seemed difficult for you to be able to buy a flight today.)


fue una verguenza que vosotros hablarais de esa manera.
(It was a shame that you should speak in that way.)

Fue una pena que el banco no le diera el prestamo.
(It was a shame that the bank didn't give him the loan.)


These actions may alsoo be generalized by the form :
 ser & adjective & infinitive

Fue bueno que tu supieras la verdad.(subjunctive) 
(It was good that you knew the truth.)

Fue bueno saber la verdad.(Impersonal sentences) 
( It was good to know the thruth.)

Useful ajectives and nouns:
agradable, bueno, difficil, facil, natural, normal, malo , triste, una suerte, un problema, urgente,....

Indefinite Clauses

Indefinite  Clauses are used to inform about aspects which were not known with accuracy in the past at the moment they were mentioned.

Indefinite pariculars & que & Imperfect Subjunctive

Buscaba una agencia de viajes que me ofreciera precios comodos.
(I was looking for a travel agency that offered me reasonable prices.)

Indefinite particulars
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS                                                  INDEFINITE ARTICLES
algo                                                                                      nada     
alguien                                                                                  nadie
algun                                                                                    ningun
                                                                                            un  -unos-noun
                                                                                            una - una

lo & que

Esa chica no exigio ningun regalo que fuera costoso.
(That girl did not demand any present that was expensive.)

Yo queria un contrato de trabajo que me ofreciera mas oportunidades.
(I wanted a work contract that offered me more opportunieties.)

Buscaba un libro que tuviera fotografias de este pais.
( I was looking for a book that had photos of this country)(I didn't know which book)

Buscaba el libro que tenia fotografias de este pais.
(I looked for the book that had photos of this country)(I knew the book)

Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial clauses are those which include Indefinite Relative Pronouns,when it is not specified to whom or what we are referring.

Indefinite Relative Pronouns & que & Imperfect Subjunctive

A ti te encontraria dondequiera que fueras.(I would find you wherever you went)

Ayudaria a cualquiera que lo necesitara.(I would help anyone who needed it.)
Qienquiera que estuviera en mi lugar, me entenderia.(Anyone who was in my place would understand me.)

Indefinite Relative Pronouns
 lo que quiera---whatever


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