Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spanish in montanita

Montañita is what you want it to be. You can come here to relax and be in touch with nature, enjoy the surfing or discover its special and unique nightlife; international cuisine and nightclubs. It is one of the most interesting villages in South America, multicultural with residents and tourists from all over the world mixing with the local community, as well as having an incredible natural ambience. Small town that you can cross in 30 minutes north to south taxis in 10 minutes. We love our small town, after you visit to our paradise, I pretty sure you are going to love it too! USEFUL PHRASES GREETINGS Hello / Hi! ¡Hóla! Good day Buenos diás Good evening Buenos tardes Good night Buenos noches Good bye Adiós See you soon Hasta luego GENERAL RESPONSES Yes Sí No No That depends Depende I don't know No lo sé Please Por favor Thank you (very much) (Muchas) Gracias Excuse me ¡Perdone! I'm sorry, but... Lo siento, pero... English Spanish Pronunciation Where can I find a taxi? ¿Dónde puedo cojer un taxi? don-deh pweh-doh koh-hair oon tah-xee Can you take me to this address? ¿Me puede llevar a esta dirección? meh pweh-deh yeh-bar ah es-tah dee-rek- thyon The city centre, please. Al centro, por favor. al then-troh por fah-bor The airport, please. Al aeropuerto, por favor. al ah-eh-roh-pwair-toh por fah-bor The station, please. A la estación, por favor. al lah es-tath-yon por fah-bor I'm in a hurry. Tengo prisa. ten-goh pree-sah Straight ahead. Todo recto. toh-doh rek-toh To the left here. Aquí a la izquierda. ah-kee ah lah eeth-kyair-dah To the right here. Aquí a la derecha. ah-kee ah lah deh-reh-chah It's here. Es aquí. es ah-kee Could you wait for me? ¿Puede esperar un momento? pweh-deh es-peh-rar oon moh-men-toh I'll be back in two seconds. Vuelvo en dos segundos. bewl-bo en dos seh-goon-dos How much is it? ¿Cúanto es? kwan-toh es More information about our Mar Azul Spanish School and our spanish programs.

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