Clauses with como si (as if)
Clauses of this type are used to express conrary-to-fact ideas.
Present tense & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: El habla tan bien commo si fuera hispanohablante.
(He speaks as well as if he were a native Spanish speaker.)
Past tense & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: Se reia como si no tuviera preocupaciones
(He laughed as if he had no worries.)
Future tense & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example: Me sentire como si estuviera en casa.
(I will feel as if i were at home)
Imperative & como si & Imperfect Subjunctive
Example:Corrijale como si usted fuera su padre.
(Correct him as if you were his father.)
Te ves feliz como si no tuvieras problemas.
(You look happy, as if you had no problems.)
Los hombres piensan como si fueran ninos.
(Men think as if they were children.)
Conjunctions wiht Imperfect Subjunctive
The Imperfect Subjunctive is used with various conjunctions and conjunctive phrases to express past actions.
Conjunction & Imperfect Subjunctive ----possible past actions
Insisto para que el jefe le dieran el empleo
(He insisted so that the boss would gave him the job.
El delegado trabajo fuerte para que se firmara la paz.
(The delegate worked hard in order for peace to be signed.)
Llame un taxi con el fin de wue me llavara pronto al aeropuerto.
(I called a taxi so that it would take me to the airport quickly.)
Me iria de aqui antes de que el jefe me despidiera.
(I would leave her befor my boss fired me.
Todos celebrariamos en cuanto terminara el juego.
(We would all celebrate as soon as the game ended.)
The Conjunction si (if)
The conjunction Si & Imperfect Subjunctive is used to express regret about actions which did not occur.
Regret about actions which did not occur.
Event:yo no viajo porque no tengo dinero.
(I don't travel because i don't have money.)
Si & Imperfect Subjunctive & Conditional
Si yo tuviera dinero, yo viajaria por Espana.
(If i had money, I would travel trough Spain.)
Si & Imperfect Subjunctive & Imperfect Subjunctive
Yo viajara mas si yo tuviese mas dinero.
(I would travel mor if i had more money)
Si & Imperfect Subjuncitve & Imperative
Si usted tuviera usted dinero, no dude en viajar.
If you have more money, make sure you travel.
Si no lloviera, saldriamos de paseo.
(If it weren't raining we would go out for a walk.)
Si llegaras tarde, Disculpate!
(If you ever arrive late, apologise!)
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Imperfect Subjunctive
Impersonal Clauses
An impersonal clause expresses a character of functionality of an action.It is constucted with verb ser or paracer conjugated in the 3rd person singular of the Past Indicative plus a suitable adjective.
ser/parecer & adjective & que & imperfect subjunctive
Fue importante que tuvieras cuidado.
(It was important that you should be careful.)
Parecia dificil que pudieras comprar un vuelo hoy.
(I seemed difficult for you to be able to buy a flight today.)
fue una verguenza que vosotros hablarais de esa manera.
(It was a shame that you should speak in that way.)
Fue una pena que el banco no le diera el prestamo.
(It was a shame that the bank didn't give him the loan.)
These actions may alsoo be generalized by the form :
ser & adjective & infinitive
Fue bueno que tu supieras la verdad.(subjunctive)
(It was good that you knew the truth.)
Fue bueno saber la verdad.(Impersonal sentences)
( It was good to know the thruth.)
Useful ajectives and nouns:
agradable, bueno, difficil, facil, natural, normal, malo , triste, una suerte, un problema, urgente,....
Indefinite Clauses
Indefinite Clauses are used to inform about aspects which were not known with accuracy in the past at the moment they were mentioned.
Indefinite pariculars & que & Imperfect Subjunctive
Buscaba una agencia de viajes que me ofreciera precios comodos.
(I was looking for a travel agency that offered me reasonable prices.)
Indefinite particulars
algo nada
alguien nadie
algun ningun
un -unos-noun
una - una
lo & que
Esa chica no exigio ningun regalo que fuera costoso.
(That girl did not demand any present that was expensive.)
Yo queria un contrato de trabajo que me ofreciera mas oportunidades.
(I wanted a work contract that offered me more opportunieties.)
Buscaba un libro que tuviera fotografias de este pais.
( I was looking for a book that had photos of this country)(I didn't know which book)
Buscaba el libro que tenia fotografias de este pais.
(I looked for the book that had photos of this country)(I knew the book)
Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial clauses are those which include Indefinite Relative Pronouns,when it is not specified to whom or what we are referring.
Indefinite Relative Pronouns & que & Imperfect Subjunctive
A ti te encontraria dondequiera que fueras.(I would find you wherever you went)
Ayudaria a cualquiera que lo necesitara.(I would help anyone who needed it.)
Qienquiera que estuviera en mi lugar, me entenderia.(Anyone who was in my place would understand me.)
Indefinite Relative Pronouns
lo que quiera---whatever
An impersonal clause expresses a character of functionality of an action.It is constucted with verb ser or paracer conjugated in the 3rd person singular of the Past Indicative plus a suitable adjective.
ser/parecer & adjective & que & imperfect subjunctive
Fue importante que tuvieras cuidado.
(It was important that you should be careful.)
Parecia dificil que pudieras comprar un vuelo hoy.
(I seemed difficult for you to be able to buy a flight today.)
fue una verguenza que vosotros hablarais de esa manera.
(It was a shame that you should speak in that way.)
Fue una pena que el banco no le diera el prestamo.
(It was a shame that the bank didn't give him the loan.)
These actions may alsoo be generalized by the form :
ser & adjective & infinitive
Fue bueno que tu supieras la verdad.(subjunctive)
(It was good that you knew the truth.)
Fue bueno saber la verdad.(Impersonal sentences)
( It was good to know the thruth.)
Useful ajectives and nouns:
agradable, bueno, difficil, facil, natural, normal, malo , triste, una suerte, un problema, urgente,....
Indefinite Clauses
Indefinite Clauses are used to inform about aspects which were not known with accuracy in the past at the moment they were mentioned.
Indefinite pariculars & que & Imperfect Subjunctive
Buscaba una agencia de viajes que me ofreciera precios comodos.
(I was looking for a travel agency that offered me reasonable prices.)
Indefinite particulars
algo nada
alguien nadie
algun ningun
un -unos-noun
una - una
lo & que
Esa chica no exigio ningun regalo que fuera costoso.
(That girl did not demand any present that was expensive.)
Yo queria un contrato de trabajo que me ofreciera mas oportunidades.
(I wanted a work contract that offered me more opportunieties.)
Buscaba un libro que tuviera fotografias de este pais.
( I was looking for a book that had photos of this country)(I didn't know which book)
Buscaba el libro que tenia fotografias de este pais.
(I looked for the book that had photos of this country)(I knew the book)
Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial clauses are those which include Indefinite Relative Pronouns,when it is not specified to whom or what we are referring.
Indefinite Relative Pronouns & que & Imperfect Subjunctive
A ti te encontraria dondequiera que fueras.(I would find you wherever you went)
Ayudaria a cualquiera que lo necesitara.(I would help anyone who needed it.)
Qienquiera que estuviera en mi lugar, me entenderia.(Anyone who was in my place would understand me.)
Indefinite Relative Pronouns
lo que quiera---whatever
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Imperfect subjunctive
5.To express courtesy:
Same case as one of the uses of the Conditional but this tense expresses more politeness.
Quisiera contar con tu apoyo.(I would like to depend on your support.)
¿Pudiera usted aydarme? (Could you help me?)
Uses in sentences of two clauses
The Imerfect Subjunctive in two clauses denotes an action which may take place after the action of the principal verb, which is in the Past Indicative.
Remember that the subject of the principal clause must be different than the subject of the subordinated clause.
Action follows the action of the principal verb.
Nosotros quisimos que tu regresaras.
Past indicative--------Imperfect Subjunctive
We wanted you to come back.
Types of Clauses
Nominal Clauses
Indefinite Clauses
Clauses with COMO SI
Impersonal Clauses
Adverbial Clauses
Nominal Clauses
This type of clauses includes a verb that expresses doubt, wish or influence, emotion or perception.
In this case, the verbs of the principal clause are in the Past Indicative, whereas the verbs of the subordinated clause are in the Imperfect Subjunctive.
Principal Clause Subordinated Clause
Past Indicative Imperfect Subjunctive
1.Verbs of doubt
No creimos que la selva fuera tan bonita.
We didn't believe the jungle would be so pretty.
2.Verbs of wishing or influence
A ustedes les pedimos que nos visitaran.
We asked you to visit us.
3.Verbs of emotion
Nos alegro que contaran con nosotros.
We were delighted that they could depend on us.
4.Verbs of perception
No senti que el me quisiera tanto.
I don't feel like he loved me as much.
1.Clauses with verbs expressing doubt.
This type of clause expresses uncertainty about past actions.
No creimos que ganaras tanto dinero.
We didn't believe that you would earn so much money.
El dudaba que me gustara el arte.
He doubted that I would like art.
Verbs of Doubt:
dudar, temer, no estar seguro de, no parecer, no pensar, no creer;
The verbs creer, parecer and pensar are used with Imperfect Subjunctive only in the negative and interrogative form.
Example: ¿Te parecio que estuviera enfermo? (Did it seem to you that he was ill?
No, no me parecio que estuviera enfermo. (It didn't seem to me that he was ill.)
In the affirmative form they are used with indcative
Me parecio que estaba enfermo.(It seemed to me that he was ill.)
2.Clauses with verbs expressing wish or influence
This type of clause is used to express wish, hope, suggestion or necessity about past actions.
El cantante necesitaba que le aplaudiera. (The singer needed to be applauded.)
El sacerdote suplico que tuvieramos fe. (The priest asked us to have faith.)
Verbs of wishing or influence:
desear, esperar, pedir, querer, necesitar....
aceptar, aprobar, dejar, impedir, sugerir, prohibir,..
3.Clauses with verbs expressing emotion
To express feelings about past actions
Le encanto que su hijo se parecera a el.( He was delighted that his son looked like him)
A ella le gusto que el le dijera guapa.( She likes him to call her gorgeous.)
Verbs of emotion:
cansar, aburrir, disgustar, divertir, doler, encantar, extrañar, gustar, emocionar, dar pena,...
4.With verbs expressing perception
In order to express appreciation of,ou opinion on past actions.This type of sentence is usually used n the negative or nterrogative form.
Yo no vi que el proyecto tuviera aceptacion.(I didn't see that the project would have approval.
Yo no me di cuenta de que vosotros estuvierais tan cansados.(I didn't reaize that you where so tired.
Verbs of perception:
descubir,sentir, ver, oir, notar, percibir;
If both clauses have the same subject, the form verb & infinitive must be used:
Example: Yo quise que yo estuviera tranquilo.(incorrect)
Yo quise estar tranquilo.(correct)
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Visit the website of my MarAzul Ecuador Spanish School in Montañita.
5.To express courtesy:
Same case as one of the uses of the Conditional but this tense expresses more politeness.
Quisiera contar con tu apoyo.(I would like to depend on your support.)
¿Pudiera usted aydarme? (Could you help me?)
Uses in sentences of two clauses
The Imerfect Subjunctive in two clauses denotes an action which may take place after the action of the principal verb, which is in the Past Indicative.
Remember that the subject of the principal clause must be different than the subject of the subordinated clause.
Action follows the action of the principal verb.
Nosotros quisimos que tu regresaras.
Past indicative--------Imperfect Subjunctive
We wanted you to come back.
Types of Clauses
Nominal Clauses
Indefinite Clauses
Clauses with COMO SI
Impersonal Clauses
Adverbial Clauses
Nominal Clauses
This type of clauses includes a verb that expresses doubt, wish or influence, emotion or perception.
In this case, the verbs of the principal clause are in the Past Indicative, whereas the verbs of the subordinated clause are in the Imperfect Subjunctive.
Principal Clause Subordinated Clause
Past Indicative Imperfect Subjunctive
1.Verbs of doubt
No creimos que la selva fuera tan bonita.
We didn't believe the jungle would be so pretty.
2.Verbs of wishing or influence
A ustedes les pedimos que nos visitaran.
We asked you to visit us.
3.Verbs of emotion
Nos alegro que contaran con nosotros.
We were delighted that they could depend on us.
4.Verbs of perception
No senti que el me quisiera tanto.
I don't feel like he loved me as much.
1.Clauses with verbs expressing doubt.
This type of clause expresses uncertainty about past actions.
No creimos que ganaras tanto dinero.
We didn't believe that you would earn so much money.
El dudaba que me gustara el arte.
He doubted that I would like art.
Verbs of Doubt:
dudar, temer, no estar seguro de, no parecer, no pensar, no creer;
The verbs creer, parecer and pensar are used with Imperfect Subjunctive only in the negative and interrogative form.
Example: ¿Te parecio que estuviera enfermo? (Did it seem to you that he was ill?
No, no me parecio que estuviera enfermo. (It didn't seem to me that he was ill.)
In the affirmative form they are used with indcative
Me parecio que estaba enfermo.(It seemed to me that he was ill.)
2.Clauses with verbs expressing wish or influence
This type of clause is used to express wish, hope, suggestion or necessity about past actions.
El cantante necesitaba que le aplaudiera. (The singer needed to be applauded.)
El sacerdote suplico que tuvieramos fe. (The priest asked us to have faith.)
Verbs of wishing or influence:
desear, esperar, pedir, querer, necesitar....
aceptar, aprobar, dejar, impedir, sugerir, prohibir,..
3.Clauses with verbs expressing emotion
To express feelings about past actions
Le encanto que su hijo se parecera a el.( He was delighted that his son looked like him)
A ella le gusto que el le dijera guapa.( She likes him to call her gorgeous.)
Verbs of emotion:
cansar, aburrir, disgustar, divertir, doler, encantar, extrañar, gustar, emocionar, dar pena,...
4.With verbs expressing perception
In order to express appreciation of,ou opinion on past actions.This type of sentence is usually used n the negative or nterrogative form.
Yo no vi que el proyecto tuviera aceptacion.(I didn't see that the project would have approval.
Yo no me di cuenta de que vosotros estuvierais tan cansados.(I didn't reaize that you where so tired.
Verbs of perception:
descubir,sentir, ver, oir, notar, percibir;
If both clauses have the same subject, the form verb & infinitive must be used:
Example: Yo quise que yo estuviera tranquilo.(incorrect)
Yo quise estar tranquilo.(correct)
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Visit the website of my MarAzul Ecuador Spanish School in Montañita.
The Imperfect Subjunctive
Uses in sentences of one clause
1.In expressions of wishing to indicate actions that are very unlikely.
Generally used in exclamation marks.
¡Que pudiera tener unas vacanciones en la playa! (I wish I could have a vacation on the beach!)
¡Como quisiera estar lejos de aqui! (How I would like to be far from here!)
2.To express wishes that are impossible to fulfill.
¡Que tuviera 18 años! (How I wish I were 18!)
¡Que no hubiera delincuencia!( How I wish there were no delinquency.)
3. In repetitive expressions:
Obtained by repeating a verb in the Imperfect Subjunctive.
Dijera lo que el dijera, ella lo creeria.(Whatever he said, she would believe it.)
Viniera o no viniera a la fiesta, igual lo pasariamos bien.(Whether he comes to the party or not, we will have fun all the same.)
4.After ojala.(if only)
Ojala & Imperfect Subjunctive: hope/wish about an action, that is unlikely to happen
¡Ojala no tuvieramos problemas!(If only we didn't have any problems!)
¡Ojala mi jefe fuera mas amable!(If only my boss were nicer!)
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Visit my website to learn more about my Spanish Language School in Montanita, Ecuador.
The imperfect subjunctive
El preterito imperfecto de subjuntivo
Concept: The Imperfect Subjunctive "translates" all the meanings of the Present Subjunctive into the past tense.
Present Subjunctive: Yo no creo que tu escribas poemas.( I don't think that you write poems.)
Imperfect Subjunctive: Yo nunca crei que tu escribieras poemas. (I never thought that you would ever write poems)
The Imperfect subjunctive can be used in two ways:
In sentences of one clause
¡Que estuvieras aqui! (How I wish you where here!)
In sentences of two clauses
Ellos esperaron que tu fueras feliz.(They hoped that you were happy)
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Visit my website to learn more about my Spanish Language School in Montanita, Ecuador.
Concept: The Imperfect Subjunctive "translates" all the meanings of the Present Subjunctive into the past tense.
Present Subjunctive: Yo no creo que tu escribas poemas.( I don't think that you write poems.)
Imperfect Subjunctive: Yo nunca crei que tu escribieras poemas. (I never thought that you would ever write poems)
The Imperfect subjunctive can be used in two ways:
In sentences of one clause
¡Que estuvieras aqui! (How I wish you where here!)
In sentences of two clauses
Ellos esperaron que tu fueras feliz.(They hoped that you were happy)
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Visit my website to learn more about my Spanish Language School in Montanita, Ecuador.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Learn a Foreign Language
thing, you would never ever say: “I can´t speak a new language”
that is part of our nature to speak, that makes the difference with animals, we
can communicate is inside of us, only we need to focus those abilities and make
it work!
We have to
make that side of our brain, wake up! And there are a few options how to do it!
1) Spend
the time!
By far the
most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. The
more time you spend with the language, the faster you will learn. This means
listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This
means spending time enjoyably connected to the language you are learning, you
are doing the first step traveling to Ecuador, where maybe 20% of the locals
speak english, I mean 80% Ecuadorians do not speak english… is a good point to
start, you have to learn, you have to practice if you do not just nobody can
understand you.
But also
for those who are a little bit afraid to just struggle with the language,
montanita is a amazing place where to start, first because we are just to work
with tourist, even if not every body speaks english, we found the way to
communicate, explain things, which make you easy to do your shopping, met some
Also when
you feel exhausted of practicing there are a big group of non- Ecuadorian
residents here, which means restaurants and some hostels belong to young
investors, which start the adventure to life in Ecuador and work for it, you
can relax talking with them some times.
2) Listen
and read every day!
wherever you are on your MP3 player, Ipod, iphone, etc. Some music help, find a
nice band that you like and also using youtube you can read what you are
listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can
mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading
you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is going to
help to improve faster that you thing.
3) Focus on
words and phrases!
Build up
your vocabulary, you will need lots. Start to notice words and how they come
together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and
reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary
lists for review. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere.
Gradually you will be able to use them. Do not worry about how accurately you
speak until you have accumulated a plenty of words through listening and
4) Take
responsibility for your own learning!
If you do
not want to learn the language, you won’t. If you do want to learn the
language, take control. Choose content of interest, that you want to listen to
and read. Seek out the words and phrases that you need to understand your listening
and reading, you can not learn after just a few hours in class, you have to
practice after, do your homework, check your vocabulary list at least one more
time after class. Do not finish your lesson and leave the books next to the bed
and pick it the next day in your way to school.
5) Relax
and enjoy yourself!
Do not
worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet
say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will
gradually become clearer in your brain, but this will happen on a schedule that
you cannot control. So practice with the nice lady at your hostel, or that
beautiful girl in the school, that handsome guy on the beach, than gentleman on
the laundry place,,, just find a perfect Seattle and we will be happy always to
talk. Just make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is
the greatest guarantee of success.
More information about how to learn a foreign language.
More information about how to learn a foreign language.
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